Consumer Social Intelligence Report 2023

Key Marketing Opportunities

Philippines    |    01 Aug 2023 - 30 Sept 2023

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1. Raise awareness in the general population of how to verify whether communications that appear to be from banks are genuine.

The theme of scammers impersonating banks to extract personal information was dominant in identity theft/phishing (38% of Fraud Types conversations). Phishing via SMS/phone was reported, as were fake bank email scams – with banks issuing warnings about them. These scams were not targeted to any particular group.

Banks could run social media and email campaigns providing customers with instructions on how to verify the communications that they are receiving are genuine. The content should then also tell customers what to do if they’re concerned the communications they’ve received are not real. A further aim of these campaigns could also be to reassure customers what actions are taken to try to prevent scammers from receiving their details. 


Key Message

How do you tell if any communications you receive from banks are genuine, and what do you do if you’re concerned they’re not? 



The campaign should target the general population, as these scams target anyone. Social media, email marketing and press/online advertising should be considered. 


Banks and financial institutions can teach people to spot potentially dangerous communications. They could also explain additional security measures that take place behind the scenes to ensure customers’ details are kept safe. 

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